Can You Put an Air Mattress on a Bed Frame? (Step-by-Step Guide)

For whatever reason, you may find yourself in a pinch when it comes to sleeping arrangements! You may be wondering: can you put an air mattress on a bed frame, and if so, how should you do it?

You may think the answer is pretty straightforward and isn’t too difficult, but there are a few things you need to consider before you go ahead. After all, air mattresses are not designed to be used on a traditional bed frame!

Luckily, there are a few easy fixes to make it work.

Here’s what you need to do!

How to Put an Air Mattress on a Bed Frame?

Air mattresses are not designed to go on indoor bed frames. They’re designed to be used on the ground, which means that they shouldn’t need a frame for occasional use.

However, if you’ve found yourself in the position of having to use an air mattress for more than a few days, you might find it a lot more comfortable to use a frame!

Here’s how to do it for regular bed frames:

Check Your Equipment

Check Your Equipment

The process is pretty straightforward if you have an outdoor bed frame (for example, a camping bed frame).

However, if you’re using an air mattress with a regular bed frame, you’ll also need:

It’s also a good idea to check your air mattress and ensure it has no holes. There’s nothing more annoying than waking up on a half-deflated airbed in the middle of the night!

You’ll also need to ensure that your air mattress is close to the size of the bed frame. There might be a better fit, but bigger gaps can be a problem, as you can fall into them if you roll around during the night.

It’s also worth noting that it’s not a good idea to use any mattress with large gaps down the sides for children, as they can slip into the gap between the mattress and the bed frame.

Prepare a Flat Surface

If you’re using an air mattress, but your bed frame has slats, it won’t work as it will with a traditional mattress: you’ll need to do a little more work to create a strong foundation for your air mattress. The air mattress will naturally sink into the gaps, making for a very uncomfortable night’s sleep!

You’ll need to use something flat – for example, a thin, flat piece of plywood – to lay over the top of the bed base. It will stop the air bed from sinking into the gaps and make things much more comfortable.

Once this is done, you can put the tarp over the top. It will prevent tiny splinters or sharp edges from damaging the inflatable bed.

Use Non-Slip Mats

Use Non-Slip Mats

You will then need to layer a non-slip mat (or several smaller non-slip mats) onto the tarp/sheet. It will stop the air mattress from slipping around on the bed while you sleep.

Hopefully, your air mattress will fit pretty snugly on the bed frame. But if you have some slight gaps around the edges or near the headboard, these non-slip mats will be a lifesaver!

Safety Checks

The last thing to do is check everything to ensure you’ll sleep safely.

The main thing to do is check that the fit is nice and snug; if not, make sure the non-slip mats are doing their job correctly. This is meant to prevent you from slipping around or even falling off during the night.

After that, you can add a regular bed sheet and bedding, and you’ll be good to go! You may need to occasionally top up your air mattress with more air, as air mattresses can deflate slightly after a bit of use. (If you encounter any holes, quickly patch them up with duct tape in a pinch.)

Storing Your Air Mattress

Storing Your Air Mattress

Once you’re done with the air mattress, proper storage is key. You can pack away your air mattress safely by taking the following steps:

  • Fully deflate the air mattress (you can do this by using an air mattress pump on reverse or by gently squeezing out the air)
  • Carefully fold the air mattress
  • Place it in the storage box/bag it came in or a plastic tub
  • Store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight or damp conditions

Frequently Asked Questions

Before you head off, let’s check out some frequently asked questions:

Why would I want to use an air mattress on a regular bed frame?

There are a few reasons why you would want to use an air mattress on a bed frame rather than a traditional mattress•
To avoid dust – if you need to sleep on an air mattress for a couple of nights and you have a dust allergy, elevating your air mattress is a really good idea
To make a medium-term situation more comfortable – if, say, you’re waiting on a mattress delivery, placing an air mattress on your current bedframe can help you feel more comfortable
To temporarily avoid using a deeper mattress – for example, if you have an injury and climbing in and out of bed is out of the question, a thinner air mattress can make this process easier.
You have overnight guests – for one or two nights, you can ensure a comfortable night’s sleep for your family or friends using this method.

Are air mattresses good for your back?

No, not necessarily. While mattresses may not hurt your back in the short term, they’re not the most comfortable for long-term use. You’re better off investing in a memory foam mattress, which can still be folded away to save storage space but will be more comfortable.
You can also try a mattress topper on top of your air mattress, which will add a layer of comfort.

How much should I spend on an air mattress?

That depends on a few factors, including your budget. Air mattresses can begin at a low price of $20 for a twin size up to over $200 for a king or queen size.
The average price of around $70 is your best bet – the quality should be pretty good at this price point.

What thickness of air mattress is best?

It depends on a few factors (how long you’ll be using it, your budget, if you have any back or hip problems, for example). However, going for an air mattress at least 10 inches thick is a good call.
This thickness should be nice and comfortable while not occupying too much space when deflated.
If you are a heavier person, the best mattress for you is a deeper one, as this will make you feel more comfortable. These can still be folded up fairly small to save storage space.

In Summary

An air mattress on a bed frame is an excellent temporary fix for overnight guests or if you’re waiting for a new mattress. You just need to remember a few key things:

  • Make sure there aren’t any significant gaps between the bed frame and the air mattress
  • Use a sheet of plywood to prevent the air mattress from sinking between the slats
  • Use non-slip mats to stop the air mattress from sliding around while you sleep

Following these basic steps, you can enjoy a more comfortable night’s sleep!

Sarah Wagner

I'm Sarah Wagner, and I founded Sweet Island Dreams in 2022. It's a blog dedicated to helping people mental vacation virtually anytime they want. By providing information about the best sleep of your life, I help people drift away to paradise without ever having to leave their bed!