How to Fill The Gap between a Mattress And Bed Frame?

Mattresses come in various shapes and sizes, and so do bed frames. While most mattresses fit into the commercial bed frames available in the open market, some don’t. There are gaps between the edge of the mattress and the bed frame or between the headboards.

One of the ways to avoid this problem is to measure your mattress perfectly so that your mattress sits snugly into the frame. However, even then, the closest size you find may not fit with your already existing bed frame. A smaller mattress is bound to move around if you have a larger bed.

A gap between the mattress and the bed frame looks unsightly and risks the mattress slipping and moving around. It can cause inconvenience while getting on and off the bed. In this case, you can fill in those gaps so your mattress stops moving.

There are many ways of doing so. But it would be best if you were careful to use methods that do not harm the mattress or the bed frame. By using some simple techniques, you can get rid of this problem for good.

Why Should You Fill in The Gaps Between Mattress And Bed Frame?

Why Should You Fill in The Gaps Between Mattress And Bed Frame

First, it can be very irritating to have gaps between the mattress and bed frame. The mattress and bed frame can shift when you sit on them. It can also be dangerous if a child sleeps on the bed. If the gap is extensive and they roll over to the edges of the bed, they may get stuck in it.

This problem may arise if you buy a queen-size mattress for budgetary reasons, but your bed frame is meant for a king-size mattress. Discarding any of them is not an option unless you can replace your mattress.

Considering you do not have that option, you should look at other methods of closing this gap to avoid problems in the future. The gap becomes a magnet for dust and pet fur, making cleaning difficult over time.

The gap will also prevent you from comfortably getting on the bed, and you may hurt yourself on the protruding bed frame. It’s why you should fill in the gaps as soon as possible.

Ways to Fill in The Gap Between Mattress and Bed Frame

There are several ways to fill the gap between the mattress and bed frame. You can choose a few to see which works best for you.

1. Replace The Mattress

Replace The Mattress

You can ask for an exchange if you have a new mattress that does not fit the bed frame. However, much will depend on your mattress brand’s return and exchange policy. But as long as you have not removed the tags and the outer packaging of the mattress, they should replace it.

Please note here that some mattresses need time to decompress and to be broken into. Until then, they are not ready to sleep and do not gain their full size. If you have slept on that mattress for a few nights, making it a used mattress, the company may be unwilling to change it.

So if you suspect a discrepancy in the size of the mattress and the bed frame by the looks of it, try to measure it before removing the package so that you can exchange it.

2. Fix Your Bed Frame

Whether or not you can fix your bed frame will depend on your bed manufacturer. If your bed frame is made of multiple wood planks, then reducing a couple of planks from the edges might do the trick.

You can ask a carpenter to help you with the job. Then you can reduce the frame precisely to the size of your mattress, and there won’t be any gaps around the edges.

3. Customize a New Bed Frame

Customize a New Bed Frame

If your earlier frame is already old, you can have one custom-made to the size of the mattress instead of buying a new one from the market. Wooden boards provide excellent support, and they can evenly distribute the weight of the heaviest of mattresses.

You can have a sturdy bed frame made to order according to the size of your mattress to eliminate any gaps at the edges.

4. Use Gap Fillers

An easy and cost-effective way to close the gap between the mattress and the bed frame is to use gap fillers. You can opt for the commercial ones or make your own by using rolling-up rubber mats or soft cushions.

You can push them in the gap between the mattress and the bed frame and cover everything with the bed sheet to make it neat and tidy.

However, based on how wide the gap is, you would need quite a few rolls of rubber mats to close the gap. And it would be best if you also wash them out periodically to keep the edges clean and hygienic.

5. Adjust The Box Spring

Adjust The Box Spring

Sometimes all it takes to close the gap between the mattress and the bed frame is to adjust the box spring. It’s an effortless task, but unfortunately, many do not know how to fix it.

If you are unsure, you can contact the manufacturer. They will help you to adjust the box spring. It’s a design issue and can be easily fixed.

6. Use Non-Slip Matting

Another easy way to close the gap is to push the mattress to place non-slip matting on the bed frame. Next, lay the mattress on it and push it enough to close the gap with the bed frame. Do this on the side of the bed from which you get up and get down.

As a result, your mattress will not slip and move when you try to get on your bed. The mattress will stay put, and you won’t have to worry about the gap.

7. Use Velcro Tapes

Use Velcro Tapes 

Another way to close the gap is to push the mattress to the edge of the bed to eliminate the gap. Then, you can use Velcro tapes to keep it in place. You can also use furniture straps to hold the mattress in the bed.

Do it on the side of the bed which you use frequently. The tapes will prevent the mattress from sliding.

8. Use Mattress Extenders

Another way to close the gap between the bed frame and the mattress is to use mattress extenders. They come in sizes like 2, 4, and 6 inches. You can choose the thickness based on the gap between the mattress and the bed frame.

They are very efficient for plugging the gap and staying put, despite motion during sleep or while getting in and out of bed.

9. Installing Shelves

Installing Shelves

Another way to close the gap between the mattress and the bed frame is to install sleek shelves in that gap. You will be able to use that space efficiently as the shelves can be used to store your bedside books, an elegant lamp, your glasses, and some knickknacks that make your bedroom look quirky.

It will help you use any available space to the fullest, and it is an excellent way of storing some of your essentials just within your reach. Make sure to install the shelves on the side of the bed that is pushed against the wall, and your walls will also have some accessories to brighten them up.

Points to Remember While Filling The Gap

Here are some points to remember while trying to fill the gap between the mattress and the bed frame.

  • Please do not use pointy objects to close the gap; they may perforate the mattress and damage it extensively.
  • Never let the headboard extend into the mattress to close the gap, as you may bump into it while sleeping.
  • Make sure your gap fillers are regularly cleaned. Replace rubber mats or pillows at least once every six months for absolute cleanliness.


The gap between the mattress and the frame can be a hazard, especially for older people and children. There have been far too many instances where people have lost their balance due to a shifting mattress or babies have been injured by getting stuck in the gap.

Hence, this is something that you must not ignore. Make sure you use the methods that best work for you, depending on the make and type of the mattress. It will hopefully solve your problems, and your mattress will stay put.

Sarah Wagner

I'm Sarah Wagner, and I founded Sweet Island Dreams in 2022. It's a blog dedicated to helping people mental vacation virtually anytime they want. By providing information about the best sleep of your life, I help people drift away to paradise without ever having to leave their bed!