6 Best Feather Mattress Topper {Expert Choice}

best feather mattress topper

I don’t know about you, but I love the feeling of a feather pillow and duvet, and I’ve used one all my life. However, over the past few years, I have noticed the popularity of feather mattress toppers increasing significantly. One of the selling points for me with a feather mattress topper is the fact … Read more

How to Break In a Tempurpedic Mattress? 8 Tips!

how to break in a tempurpedic mattress

Tempurpedic mattresses are special foam mattresses that provide great support to your body. These mattresses are made from high-density memory foam, so they are often thicker and heavier than your regular foam mattress. Suppose you need extra support for your spine, shoulders, or hips, or you have some bone issue that requires additional support based … Read more

6 Best Hypoallergenic Mattress Toppers: Reviewed

best hypoallergenic mattress toppers

If, like me, you suffer from allergies, be it direct touch or airborne, then trying to sleep at night can be a living nightmare. You know the feeling, stuffy nose, itchy skin, irritating coughing, and wheezing. It can undoubtedly mean your sleep quality is affected in the long run. So what’s the answer? A hypoallergenic … Read more

Do IKEA Mattresses Have Fiberglass? All You Need to Know

do ikea mattresses have fiberglass

No, IKEA mattresses do not have fiberglass. There has been a lot of concern recently about the use of fiberglass in various brands of mattresses. At one point, it was one of the primary materials used in mattresses because of its flame-retardant properties. However, it was found that fiberglass could cause several health risks, and … Read more

10 Smart and Simple Ways to Dry a Mattress

how to dry a mattress

There are several reasons why your mattress might get wet. Since mattresses are thick and have dense fibers, it can be difficult to dry them out. Moreover, if your room has poor ventilation, it can seem even more difficult to dry your mattress completely. A mattress may get wet in many ways. You may accidentally … Read more

Are IKEA Mattresses Toxic: All You Need to Know

are ikea mattresses toxic

No, IKEA mattresses are not toxic. For obvious reasons, IKEA consumers, too, have started wondering if the brand uses any materials that may be toxic to the body. After all, one spends almost seven to eight hours on one’s mattress. One could risk exposure to harmful chemicals if the mattress contains them. However, although IKEA … Read more

5 Best Mattress Toppers For Arthritis {Buyer’s Choice}

best mattress topper for arthritis

If you’re tired from waking up multiple times a night with uncomfortable arthritis pain, you’re not alone because, as a matter of fact, millions of people around the world are going through the very same thing. Trying to get a good night’s sleep with arthritis can be an ongoing dilemma, and you might think you’ve … Read more

How to Remove Stains from Mattress with Baking Soda?

how to clean mattress stains with baking soda

Your mattress is your ultimate companion through the night. However, although its principal function is to give you a good night’s sleep, accidents can happen at any time, resulting in spillage on the mattress. You may have spilled food on your bed while watching TV, or the baby puked or peed before you could take … Read more