3 Safe Positions To Sleep After Septoplasty Surgery

If you’re set to undergo septoplasty surgery, you might have considered specific aspects of your recovery and researched what you need to do to aid rehabilitation.

But have you considered sleeping positions after septoplasty surgery?

Believe it or not, your sleeping position will significantly affect your aftercare and recuperation.

Throughout this guide, we’re going to look at multiple safe and comfortable sleep positions that will ensure you still get a good night’s sleep post-op. After all, sleep is essential for the healing process after any procedure or injury.

Before we look at the safest sleeping positions after septoplasty, let’s give you a brief insight into what you can expect on the day.

What is Septoplasty Surgery?

What is Septoplasty Surgery

Septoplasty is surgery of the septum, which is required when someone has a deviated or crooked septum, leading to chronic nose blockages.

The surgery involves removing or straightening the cartilage sheet separating the nasal passages.

The surgery is usually done using an endonasal approach and results in ease of nasal breathing and the opening of the airways. This is usually done under local or general anesthesia. This will be discussed with you post-op.

What Happens After Septoplasty Surgery?

What Happens After Septoplasty Surgery

Recovery from a septoplasty can take between three and six months. After this, you will have a noticeable improvement in nasal breathing.

There are some risks associated with this kind of surgery, which can occur in the months following the procedure. These include:

  • Nasal bleeding
  • Lack of smell
  • Numbness in the nose, gums, and teeth
  • Blood Clots
  • Nasal obstruction
  • Impaired breathing

If you experience any of the above symptoms following your surgery, seek medical advice immediately. These side effects could be a sign that you need further surgery.


There are a few things you can do post-op to avoid complications and speed up recovery, such as the following:

  • Remain in an upright position where possible
  • Avoid strenuous exercise and heavy lifting
  • Avoid stretching
  • Stuffy Nose
  • Wear clothing that is easy to fasten, nothing that pulls over your head
  • Don’t blow your nose
  • Keep your nose out of water

How to Sleep After Septoplasty Surgery?

How to Sleep After Septoplasty Surgery

Sleeping soundly and comfortably after septoplasty surgery can be challenging, and the lack of or disrupted sleep can hinder your recovery and cause you a lot of distress.

You’ll find the first couple of days after the procedure are the most difficult. So what can you do to ensure you still get a good night’s sleep?

There is really only one correct way to sleep after septoplasty surgery, which is with the head elevated; however, there are multiple ways you can do this.

Below are some helpful tips, techniques, and positions that can significantly improve your sleep quality after surgery.

Let’s take a look at the options.

1. Extra Pillows

If you plan to sleep in bed after a septoplasty, sleeping flat on your back or even on your side is not advised. This is due to the extra pressure this can put on the nasal area. Therefore, you’ll need to find a way to ensure your head is elevated while you sleep.

One way to do this is by placing a couple of extra pillows under your head. If you’re concerned about rolling over during the night, sleeping with body pillows on either side can provide extra stability.

2. Recliner Chair

Recliner Chair

If you feel you aren’t able to sleep in a bed without causing discomfort, then sleeping in a recliner chair will provide you with the perfect elevation while keeping your body in one position.

If you don’t own a recliner chair, however, then sleeping on a couch and using the arms of the sofa to rest your head will also work. You can use extra cushions or pillows to place alongside your body to avoid tossing and turning.

3. Adjustable Bed

It might seem a little bit excessive to invest in an adjustable bed after something like nose surgery, and you could be right. However, if you’re in a position to do so or already own one, these beds can be the perfect solution to sleeping well after septoplasty.

These are also an excellent alternative to sleeping in a chair if you think this will be too uncomfortable.

Adjustable beds can be a beneficial purchase, although costly. They can provide support and comfort in many other situations, such as reading in bed, back pain, sleep apnea, or recovery from any further surgery or injury.

Other Things You Can Do to Improve Sleep After Septoplasty

Other Things You Can Do to Improve Sleep After Septoplasty

Aside from your sleeping position, many other factors can contribute to improving your sleep quality after septoplasty surgery.

Here are some simple techniques you can follow to get a good night’s rest during septoplasty recovery.

1. Try to Relax

There are many relaxation methods you can put into practice that will make drifting off to sleep much less challenging.

It’s essential to find something you personally find relaxing, whether this is reading a book, taking a warm bath, listening to calming music, or surrounding yourself with essential oils and other calming scents.

Particular breathing and meditation techniques can also induce sleep and relaxation.

2. Pain Relief

Pain Relief

After your septoplasty surgery, you will be provided with pain relief medication or advised on the best pain relief to take, such as over-the-counter painkillers.

It’s vital that you follow the correct course of medication, including antibiotics, to avoid infection and prevent excessive discomfort.

It is also crucial that you do not mix medications or increase your dose without your doctor’s approval, as this can lead to overdosing.

3. Ice Packs

Using a cold compress, such as an ice pack, can help reduce swelling and inflammation around the affected area. It can also help to alleviate bruising resulting from septoplasty.

Place the ice pack on the inflamed area for around 10 minutes, using a cloth or flannel to prevent ice burns.

4. Don’t Overdo It

Don’t Overdo It

Your surgeon will tell you to make sure you get plenty of rest post-op, especially the first couple of days after the surgery.

Going through any form of surgery is traumatic and stressful on the body and mind. You might feel physically and mentally exhausted and drained.

Fatigue is expected after this kind of procedure, so don’t feel guilty about needing an excessive amount of sleep. It’s important to listen to what your body tells you, sleep when you need to, and get as much rest as possible. After all, sleep is the key to recovery.

5. Diet

Food might not be something you’ve considered regarding recovery after a septoplasty. However, studies have shown that the food we put in our bodies can significantly impact how well the body heals.

Eating foods that are high in fiber and delicate on the stomach can prevent symptoms such as constipation and stomach cramps, both of which can cause strain and pressure on the rest of the body.

A Final Analysis

If you’re about to undergo septoplasty, then getting a good night’s sleep in the weeks following might be something of major concern, but the fact of the matter is, there are plenty of tips, techniques, and sleeping positions that can help ensure your sleep isn’t too severely impacted.

If you’re not in a position to invest in products such as recliner chairs and adjustable beds, then extra pillows can work just as well to relieve you of any discomfort while you doze.

Although it might not be something you’re familiar with or even comfortable with, learning how to meditate in bed can be a remarkable aid to sleeping well and preparing your mind and body for relaxation.

The most vital thing to keep in mind following surgery is to follow your doctors’ and surgeons’ aftercare advice. Keep up with your medication, and if you notice any side effects or anything of concern during your recovery, seek medical advice immediately.

Sarah Wagner

I'm Sarah Wagner, and I founded Sweet Island Dreams in 2022. It's a blog dedicated to helping people mental vacation virtually anytime they want. By providing information about the best sleep of your life, I help people drift away to paradise without ever having to leave their bed!