How to Properly Fold an Air Mattress? Step-by-Step Guide

While folding your air mattress might seem like an easy process, it never hurts to get handy tips to make things go even more smoothly, and if you have a second pair of hands to help, even better!

We’ve put together a few helpful steps that will show you how to properly fold an air mattress properly and with ease for the most space-saving storage.

Let’s get to it.

How to Correctly Fold an Air Mattress?

The first thing to remember before you start folding your air mattress is that you’ll need time and patience; trying to do this in a rush will only hinder the process.

Also, make sure that you have plenty of space around the air mattress, it’s on a flat surface, and there are no sharp objects anywhere.

Of course, by this point, you should have already removed all bedding, mattress toppers, and accessories.

You can deflate your air mattress once all the above is ticked off.

1. Deflating the Air Mattress

Deflating the Air Mattress

Trying to fold an air mattress would be tricky if you tried to do it while it’s still inflated. In fact, Impossible!

So first things first, you’ll need to deflate the air mattress.

How you do this depends on your mattress type. This guide provides plenty of useful information on deflating an air mattress.

In most cases, your air mattress will have a valve that you can open to let the air escape, and you can speed up the process by gently easing the air out using your hands or body weight.

Once it’s deflated, you’ll need to make sure there is no air left trapped inside or bubbles, and if there is, push them out until the air mattress is lying completely flat.

2. Folding the Air Mattress

Now that your air mattress is flattened and smooth, it’s time to get folding.

We’d recommend two people to do this part. It just makes the job a lot easier. However, don’t worry if you’re going solo; it’s still possible to do this yourself.

Below is a list of how to fold your air mattress depending on how you want to store it, how many people are folding it, and the type of air mattress you have.

3. Rolling the Air Mattress

Rolling the Air Mattress

Most people prefer to roll an air mattress, and it’s especially easier if you do the job alone. Starting from one end, roll the mattress in a straight line and use the straps or ties to hold it in place.

4. Folding the Air Mattress

Once the mattress is flat on the ground, you can lift two corners, one from each end (lengthways) and then again the other way, until the mattress is in a neat square. This way makes storage a lot more convenient.

5. Roll and Fold the Air Mattress

Roll and Fold The Air Mattress

You could do both if you wanted, fold the mattress lengthways and then roll it to have a more compact bundle.

If you have an electric air mattress, you’ll have to pay a little more care and attention when folding it because you don’t want the electrical components to be folded into the center. Instead, ensure that the box is on the outer part of the air mattress after folding. The pump should be in the middle of the bed after folding.

Air Mattress Storage

Once you’re done and dusted and got your air mattress nicely folded (or rolled) up, you must ensure it’s properly stored until the next time you need it.

In most cases, you won’t have the original box that your air mattress came in, and let’s face it, you’re never going to get it back in there like the way it arrived anyway, are you?

You can buy air mattress storage holders specifically designed for the job, which can be worth the investment if you want to adequately protect your air mattress while it’s in storage.

However, you could also use a large refuse sack or vacuum pack if you have one.

Using a refuse sack can help put the air mattress into a cardboard box or plastic storage container for an extra layer of protection.

Now you’ve got your air mattress tightly bundled away, you need to consider where it will be stored. It needs to be somewhere that remains at room temperature all year round, as extreme temperatures will damage the quality of the bed.

You also need to ensure it’s somewhere free from sharp objects or animals that could get through the packaging, such as rodents.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s look at what other air mattress users are asking about folding and packing away their portable beds.

How do I fold an air mattress for storage?

To fold an air mattress, start by deflating it completely. Then, fold it in thirds or quarters, depending on its size. Make sure to remove any excess air while folding.

Can I store my air mattress while it’s still inflated?

It’s best to store your air mattress deflated to save space and prevent damage. Make sure to remove all air before folding and storing it.

How should I store my air mattress to keep it in good condition?

Store your air mattress in a clean, dry, and cool place away from direct sunlight or extreme temperatures. Avoid storing it in areas prone to moisture or pests.

Let’s Pack It Up

As you can see, folding an air mattress is very straightforward, even if you do it alone.

You must follow the steps, ensure your mattress is clean, free of debris or accessories before deflating, and get rid of every last bit of air inside to get the perfect fold.

Whether you decide to fold, roll, or fold and roll your air mattress, ensure you find somewhere safe, clean, and dry to store it. This way, it’ll be in perfect condition the next time you require it.

Sarah Wagner

I'm Sarah Wagner, and I founded Sweet Island Dreams in 2022. It's a blog dedicated to helping people mental vacation virtually anytime they want. By providing information about the best sleep of your life, I help people drift away to paradise without ever having to leave their bed!