Can you Burn a Mattress? Is it Safe And Legal or Not?

Yes, it is dangerous to burn a mattress, and because of that, it is illegal to burn a mattress in many states of the US. Many people consider burning an old mattress to be the easiest way to get rid of it. However, burning a mattress can be dangerous for you and anybody else in proximity.

This is because a mattress is made of highly flammable substances. No matter what kind of mattress you use- be it spring mattresses, foam mattresses, Tempurpedic, or some kind of hybrid- almost all these mattresses contain polyurethane and foam that are highly flammable.

Some people try to burn their mattresses because they do not want to pay for the mattress disposal services. However, if you are caught while trying to burn a mattress by the authorities, or if it leads to some kind of accident, you may be charged with a felony. You may also have to pay a hefty fine.

Hence, it is best to consider other viable methods of mattress disposal rather than burning it. You can speak to the local authorities or ask your brand representative how to dispose of your old mattress. Doing so is a healthy and safe practice for everyone.

Is it Illegal to Burn a Mattress?

Is it Illegal to Burn a Mattress?

Yes, it is illegal to burn a mattress, depending on which state you live in. States like Michigan, Texas, and Tennessee have prohibited the burning of mattresses. These states encourage residents to use other forms of mattress disposal rather than burning.

It does not matter if you try to burn it in your own backyard. Flames and toxic fumes can harm your neighbors and affect the environment, which is why they have declared it illegal to burn a mattress.

Even though the other states have not formally declared it illegal to burn a mattress, you can be sure that the authorities will show up at your doorstep if they notice flames coming out of your backyard. Your neighbors may report you, and you could be charged based on their complaints for risking life and property.

Why is it Unsafe to Burn a Mattress?

There are several in trying to burn a mattress. Here are some of them.

1. Air Pollution

Air Pollution

Most people who try to burn a mattress are clueless about the smoke it can emit. It takes just a spark to set a mattress on fire, which is why mattress companies use flame retardants in their mattress. That has caused a different set of problems because these chemicals have also proven to be harmful.

However, the sheer amount of smoke and toxic fumes that are generated when all that synthetic foam is set on fire causes a lot of air pollution, which is why you should desist from setting your mattress on fire.

2. Toxic Odor

Some mattresses, especially the cheap ones, use uncertified polyurethane foam, and that gives off a terrible odor when burned. The VOC released in the air can make breathing difficult for you because it can create a greenhouse effect that could take up to 4 weeks to dissipate.

The odor is terrible, and it can be very uncomfortable to breathe, especially for any older people, children, or pets in the vicinity.

3. Soil Contamination

Soil Contamination

The toxic chemicals that are released into the air after burning a mattress find their way back into the soil after a bout of rain. They are carcinogenic, and they may affect the food that grows. It could also get into the water supply.

4. Breathing Problems

The carbon monoxide released from burning mattresses is poisonous when inhaled. It can ruin the air quality in the area for months.

Moreover, you or your neighbors will be at risk of seizures and asthma attacks and may even become unconscious because of the toxic fumes. It may even affect your lungs; in extreme cases, smoke inhalation might result in death.

5. Risking Loss of Life And Property

Risking Loss of Life And Property

Modern foam mattresses use flame retardants to suppress the flames. Even then, old mattresses, which are worn out, can burst into flames in an instant.

If you make the mistake of trying to burn the mattress indoors, you risk burning the house down. That is a huge risk; you should avoid it at all costs.

How Long Does it Take for a Mattress to Burn?

A mattress takes a few minutes to burn out completely, but it largely depends on what it is made of. Mattresses with flame retardant chemicals will take some time to catch fire, but once the fiberglass barrier is broken through, it will burst into flames immediately. There is no going back after that.

The rest depends on what your mattress is stuffed with. Old mattresses often use coir or other bulky materials, while spring mattresses will have some metal coils inside. So the composition of the mattress determines how long it takes to burn.

What are the Alternatives to Burning a Mattress?

You do not have to burn the old mattress to get rid of it. There are other, safer ways of doing so. Here are some of them.

1. Ask your Brand Representative

Ask your Brand Representative

You can ask the brand representative of your new mattress whether they will help you get rid of the old one. Since you are buying a new mattress for them, they can offer mattress disposal services at discounted rates.

You can also ask your local mattress stores about it. They can also suggest disposal companies and can tell you what you can do with your old mattress.

2. Contact Local Disposal Services

The local waste disposal department will have adequate knowledge about how to dispose of a mattress. They can help you get rid of it safely.

They will come to your house or give you an address where you can drop the mattress. It is mostly taken for recycling or dismantled using safe methods after that.

3. Recycling


You can contact the recycling department in your area, and they will often come and pick up the mattress from your home. Almost 90% of mattresses are recycled. However, you may have to pay a small fee and make an appointment to drop the mattress. So be particular about speaking to them first.

4. Sell Your Old Mattress

You can simply offer to sell your old mattress, and someone with a lower budget may be willing to buy it. Mattresses can be expensive, and not everyone is able to afford new ones.

You can list your mattress on local listings, and someone may offer to buy it. That way, not only will you be able to get rid of your mattress, but you will also be able to recover a small portion of what you paid for it when you first bought it.

5. Donate your Mattress

Donate Your Mattress

If you feel that your mattress is quite old and no one will buy it, you can simply offer to donate it. You can contact a local charity organization, and they often need old mattresses for their shelters. The mattresses can be donated to shelters meant for homeless people or even animal rescue organizations.

In any case, the mattress would be put to good use, and you do not have to worry about burning it. However, make sure your mattress, even though old, is clean. It should be free from bugs and not have bad stains or spill marks from food. That is the polite and courteous way of showing your respect for those you are donating.

6. Use it for Composting

The mattress might be used for composting if you have additional space and are in the habit of growing your own food. If you dispose of the entire bed, the bed frame can be used for the compost pit. Then you can use the mattress to cover the pit and accelerate the composting process, as the heat will encourage the bacteria to grow more.

If the entire mattress is too heavy, then you can cut it up and only use the necessary parts. You can dispose of the metal springs in a spring mattress and only use the foam instead.


Burning the mattress might seem tempting and cost-effective, but it is the riskiest thing you can ever imagine. While the disposal authorities or recycling unit will charge you a small fee, it is completely worth it because of the safety that comes with it.

Burning a mattress poses unnecessary risks to life and property, and in places where it is illegal to burn a mattress, you will just put yourself in trouble. Hence, make sure you contact the authorities or your mattress company, and they will come up with safe solutions for mattress disposal.

Sarah Wagner

I'm Sarah Wagner, and I founded Sweet Island Dreams in 2022. It's a blog dedicated to helping people mental vacation virtually anytime they want. By providing information about the best sleep of your life, I help people drift away to paradise without ever having to leave their bed!