What Are The Signs And Symptoms of Insomnia?

Most people are familiar with the traditional form of insomnia. The one where you have a brief period in which you are unable to fall asleep or maintain your slumber. Indeed, sleeplessness is extremely prevalent.

It’s estimated that as many as 70 million Americans are coping with it. Also, one-third of all adults get less than the recommended amount of sleep each night.

Insomnia is a sleep condition with a variety of manifestations. So what it’s like for one person may be completely different from another.

Some people with chronic insomnia have gotten so used to not getting enough shut-eye that they have no idea they have the condition. In other circumstances, people with mild sleep issues see no reason to see a doctor until the condition becomes severe.

Let’s quickly define insomnia before diving into its signs and symptoms.



Insomnia, the modern term for a state of being unable to sleep, was not coined until the late 1700s.

Insomnia, however, has long been recognized as a disorder affecting would-be sleepers, even before a phrase was coined to define it.

The American Sleep Association defines insomnia as either difficulty getting or maintaining sleep. Many different types of sleep disruptions fall under this umbrella term.

Insomnia can cause short-term sleep disruptions that last a few nights to long-term issues that keep a person up for months or years. Insomnia can have various causes, like a medical illness or a sleep disorder that originates in the neurological system.

All people who have trouble sleeping have something in common: their unhappiness. Rarely will you hear someone say, “I have insomnia,” with any sense of excitement or enthusiasm.

Lack of sleep can negatively impact one’s physical health, emotional well-being, ability to focus, productivity, and overall quality of life. Most people feel worse after a night of involuntary waking or restless repositioning. This is why sleep deprivation is a common complaint voiced by doctors.

Insomnia is the worst. As upsetting and anxiety-inducing as a lack of sleep can be, it is more likely to occur again. For many of us, this holds on a physical and mental level.

Signs And Insomnia Symptoms

Certain signs and symptoms are present in both short-term and chronic forms of insomnia. One of the aspects of those symptoms relates to a person’s ability to sleep at night.

In order to meet the criteria for this condition, a person must have at least one of the following kinds of sleep issues:

1. Weary And Exhausted

Weary And Exhausted

In the mornings, when you believe you have gotten a full night’s sleep and should feel refreshed, you may find that you are drained of all energy. It’s possible that you still feel drained and unmotivated during the day despite getting plenty of shut-eye.

2. Trouble Getting to Sleep

Trouble Getting to Sleep

Do you often find yourself staring at the ceiling for long periods, even after you’ve felt exhausted and tried various sleep-inducing rituals? This is because insomnia makes it difficult to fall asleep at a regular time, even though the body is fatigued.

It may be related to worrying about stressful or overwhelming thoughts before rest.

3. Having Problems Falling Asleep After Waking Up

Having Problems Falling Asleep After Waking Up

Sometimes you have to get up in the middle of the night, whether to go to the toilet or for a drink of water. But if you have insomnia, getting back to sleep could be difficult.

Having insomnia means you routinely wake up and find it difficult to get back to sleep within 30 minutes.

4. Waking Up Sooner Than Desired

Waking Up Sooner Than Desired

Having your alarm set for 7:30 a.m. and waking up two hours early is quite frustrating. In addition, both drifting off to sleep and staying asleep can be challenging for people with insomnia.

5. Attention Issues

Attention Issues

The inability to focus or maintain alertness is a common side effect of not getting enough shut-eye. Another downside of fatigue is difficulty thinking clearly in a crisis because of sleepiness. Insomnia may be a symptom if this happens frequently.

6. Abnormalities in Mood

Abnormalities in Mood

Mood swings are another symptom of insomnia. You may experience an increase in irritability, the onset of sadness or anxiety, and a general disinterest in previously enjoyable activities. Also, negative feelings arise from sleep deprivation, making you more irritable and less sociable.

7. Issues in Behavior

Issues in Behavior

Insomnia, like erratic moods, can make you react rashly or forcefully to minor annoyances you might generally be able to ignore. Dog barking, for example, might amplify sleep deprivation-related emotions like rage and despair.

Likewise, you may lash out at someone you have no business being furious with.

8. Problems in Relationships

Problems in Relationships

Maintaining social relationships can be challenging when one feels exhausted and unmotivated. Lack of sleep can make you irritable and short-tempered, as well as lead to other negative actions.

9. Incoordination


Due to sleep deprivation’s physiological impacts, you may find your reaction times lengthen. As a result, you’re more clumsy than usual, and keeping your gaze still is challenging.

If you go without sleep for too long, you may find that you have the same sluggish reaction times and impaired hand-eye coordination as someone with a 0.1 blood alcohol concentration.

10. Confusion And Forgetfulness

Confusion And Forgetfulness

While your conscious mind is dreaming, your subconscious mind is busy storing the day’s experiences and data. If you don’t get enough shut-eye, you can find it hard to concentrate and retain details.

This may also impair your cognitive functioning. Thereby making it harder to master new material and perform at your best in the classroom or on the job.

These signs and symptoms must be unique to insomnia. They should not result from another sleep problem, a lack of suitable sleeping conditions, or other environmental disturbances.

The criteria for chronic insomnia include experiencing sleeplessness three times a week for at least three months. Less frequent occurrences and duration of fewer than three months characterize short-term insomnia.

The clinical guidelines do not specify what it means to have trouble falling or staying asleep. But, an adult may have insomnia if it takes more than 30 minutes to drift off to sleep.

Or if they are up for half an hour or more during the night, according to standard guidelines.

When evaluating childhood sleep issues, a 20-minute threshold is commonly employed.

When to Consult a Doctor?

If chronic insomnia affects your mood, performance, or other elements of your everyday life, it’s best to talk to your doctor. You may even consult a sleep specialist about it.

It’s possible to get a diagnosis of short-term insomnia even if you haven’t had insomnia symptoms at least three times a week or for three months.

Keep a sleep journal to help you and your doctor. For a few weeks before your appointment, keep track of your sleep and wake times, sleep latency patterns, waking episodes, and anything else that occurs during a typical night’s sleep.

You should also keep a diary in which you record your daily mood, the number of times you hit the gym, and any alcoholic or caffeinated beverages you consume.

Medical history and physical examination are the starting points for diagnosing insomnia. These indicators aid the physician in determining whether your sleeplessness results from a standalone condition or is a symptom of anything else.

Additionally, these exams can be used to rule out sleep apnea and other similar diseases.

After you have finished these preliminary procedures, your doctor may recommend one of the three tests below:

1. Sleep Study

Sleep Study

Over the course of a whole night, some sleep studies track data on wakefulness, sleep latency, and other variables. Depending on the doctor’s advice, you can perform these tests at home or a sleep facility.

Other investigations include daytime retention of wakefulness tests. These gauge how you feel and how effectively you function during the day—also, numerous sleep latency tests are carried out over a series of naps.

2. Actigraphy

Image Credit: verywellhealth.com

This kind of monitoring test gauges how well you slept each night. For this study, you will have to wear a tiny body sensor for three to fourteen days.

3. Blood Work

Blood Work

A doctor may prescribe these tests to screen for thyroid conditions and other issues that lead to sleep loss. This is to make sure an underlying ailment does not cause your insomnia.

The course of treatment for insomnia depends on the precise diagnosis. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) may be used for six to eight weeks for persistent insomnia.

Alternatives include over-the-counter medicines like melatonin pills or antihistamines combined with sleep aids, which your doctor may prescribe. Additionally, benzodiazepines or other sleep aids may be provided. This therapy can be delivered in person, over the telephone, or online by a therapist, nurse, or doctor.

Improving sleep hygiene has been shown to be helpful for some persons with both short-term and chronic insomnia.

To improve sleep hygiene, one should keep a regular nighttime routine (even on weekends), avoid naps during the day, and avoid stimulating substances like alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine in the hours leading up to bedtime.

Closing Thoughts

Many people struggle with insomnia, which can have serious consequences for everyday living and quality of life. Moreover, the distraction and increased likelihood of accidents may raise the risk of premature mortality.

Chronic sleep loss is associated with increased diabetes and cardiovascular disease risk.

The availability of multiple treatment strategies is encouraging. But selecting the most appropriate one for you will involve carefully examining your particular circumstances and medical history. In conclusion, you must go to a doctor if you have trouble sleeping.


Sarah Wagner

I'm Sarah Wagner, and I founded Sweet Island Dreams in 2022. It's a blog dedicated to helping people mental vacation virtually anytime they want. By providing information about the best sleep of your life, I help people drift away to paradise without ever having to leave their bed!